

Annotations include a number of subsequences representing segments (with their coordinates) of the original sequence with a particular type.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
annotation_id serial 10 nextval('annotation_annotation_id_seq'::regclass)
aminoacid_variant.annotation_id aminoacid_variant_annotation_id_fkeyR
annotation_sequence.annotation_id annotation_sequence_annotation_id_fkeyR
sequence_id int4 10 null
sequence.sequence_id annotation_sequence_id_fkeyR
feature_type varchar 2147483647 null

The annotation type of the observed sub-sequence (e.g., gene, peptide, coding DNA region, or untranslated region, molecule patterns such as stem loops and so on)

start int4 10 null

Start coordinate of annotation on reference sequence

stop int4 10 null

Stop coordinate of annotation on reference sequence

gene_name varchar 2147483647 null

Gene to which the sub-sequence belongs

product varchar 2147483647 null

Protein produced by the sub-sequence within which the amino acid change occurs

external_reference varchar 2147483647 null

Eventually related external reference (when the protein is present in a separate database such as UniProtKB)


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
annotation_pkey Primary key Asc annotation_id
ann__seq_id Performance Asc sequence_id
ann__start Performance Asc start
ann__stop Performance Asc stop
