

An assay is performed on a tissue extracted from an organism that has hosted the virus for an amount of time; this information is collected in the HostSample table.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
host_sample_id serial 10 nextval('host_sample_host_sample_id_seq'::regclass)
host_sample_view.host_sample_id Implied ConstraintR
sequence.host_sample_id sequence_host_sample_id_fkeyR
host_id int4 10 null
host_specie.host_id host_sample_host_id_fkeyR
collection_date varchar 2147483647 null

Date in which the infected biological sample was collected

isolation_source varchar 2147483647 null

Tissue from which the infected biological sample was collected

originating_lab varchar 2147483647 null

Laboratory where the biological material was first sampled

country varchar 2147483647 null

Second-level geographical characterization of location where the biological sample was collected (e.g., country)

region varchar 2147483647 null

Third-level geographical characterization of location where the biological sample was collected (e.g., region or US states)

geo_group varchar 2147483647 null

First-level geographical characterization of location where the biological sample was collected (e.g., continent)

age int4 10 null

Host organism age (in years, when applicable)

gender varchar 2147483647 null

Host organism gender (when applicable)

province varchar 2147483647 null

Fourth-level geographical characterization of location where the biological sample was collected (e.g., province or US county)

coll_date_precision int2 5 null

Precision of the collection date derived from the data source (0 = only year available; 1 = also month available; 2 = also day available)


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
host_sample_pkey Primary key Asc host_sample_id
